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Hurricane Season Has Arrived! Are You Ready for It?

        Whipping winds, tormenting tides, devastating downpours. It’s that time of the year again. Hurricane season is knocking on your door and it’s bringing a host of dramatic and dangerous weather with it. According to NASA, hurricanes are the most violent storms, which is why it is necessary to make sure you and your home are fully prepared.



  •   *  Gather at least three days of non-perishable food per person that does not require cooking. Preferably items that have a long shelf life such as: MRE’s, granola bars, trail mix, canned tuna, peanut butter, crackers and jerky are great options that have long shelf life.
  •      *  For pet owners, don’t forget Fido and Mr. Whiskers. Make sure you have enough food stored for you pets.


  •   *  Generally speaking, healthy adults can survive (although miserably) without food for a period of time. The same cannot be said for water. You do not want to go more than three days without clean drinking water. Dehydration can quickly turn into a serious medical concern. Ideally, you should have one gallon of water per person per day.
  •   *  A great addition to extra water bottles can be water purifiers like pump microfilters, iodine tablets, UV purifiers and emergency filter straws.


  •   *  Pack a bag with some extra clothing just in case you need to evacuate your home in an emergency. Jackets, ponchos, pants, T-shirts, extra socks and undergarments are a few essentials to pack.


  •    *  If you have little ones, you will need to stock up on diapers, baby wipes, formula, clothing, and food for baby.


  •   *  Having a first aid kit is vital in an emergency. You can purchase pre-assembled first aid kits or build your own with essential items including, gloves, antibacterial wipes, fever-reducing medications, such as aspirin, acetaminophen, or ibuprofen, gauze, Band-Aids, tourniquets, tweezers and eyewash. Make sure you store your first aid kit in a weather-proof container.


  •   *  You may not have access to pharmacies during a hurricane. Most stores will close during a hurricane and may remain closed afterwards due to power outages or storm damage. Additionally, roads can be blocked by storm debris preventing travel. It’s important to have extra medication or prescriptions stored in a safe place before a storm hits.


  •   *  Collect copies of vital documents, such as insurance policies, medical cards, passports, birth certificates and ID cards in case of property destruction or a medical emergency. Be sure to secure everything in water-tight containers. A print-out of important phone numbers should also be stored in a waterproof bag or container in case you lose access to your mobile contact information.
  •   *  It’s also a good idea to have extra cash on hand because credit cards may not be accepted, and you know what they say “money talks.


  •  *  Top off your automobiles with gas and have extra gasoline stored in approved containers. Propane tanks for grilling can also be very useful post-storm.
  •   *  Fully charge your mobile devices as well as back-up batteries and gather the necessary cables needed to connect them.
  •   *  Don’t forget flashlights, batteries, a generator and inexpensive solar lights (for after the storm).


        One of the most important ways to protect your family and home, is to install quality, impact  hurricane storm shutters. Windows are the Achilles heel of your home. Putting up plywood is not a safe or practical option. During a hurricane, debris such as tree branches, flower pots, roof tiles, and lawn furniture (yours or your neighbor’s) can be hurled at your home and windows by wind speeds exceeding 100 mph. can provide you with a quality selection of impact resistant storm shutters that are engineered to meet the strictest codes of the Miami-Dade County product control division, Florida Building Code, and the International Building Codes.

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        In addition to personal injuries, a broken window can create extensive damage to your walls, furniture, sentimental items and especially your roof. Wind that enters your home through smashed windows, can cause pressure-buildup which can lift your roof from the inside. will provide you with the most cost-effective solution to help you secure your windows and other openings and prevent a severe storm from entering your home. 

        For more information on hurricane protection and storm shutters for your home or business, call us at 954-474-3557 or 1-888-474-3555 to speak to one of our highly trained representatives. Let us walk you through the best solution to protect your property during a hurricane.  You can also visit our shutter website and order your hurricane storm shutters online at We even have a convenient online pricing tool that will give you a FREE QUOTE on the shutters you’ll need to stay safe this hurricane season.